Facebook likes no data available.


There are several reasons why the message "no data available" may appear for Facebook likes:

Firstly, if the post you are attempting to view likes for has been deleted, the message "no data available" will be displayed.

Secondly, if the post is private, you will only be able to view the likes if you are friends with the person who posted it.

Thirdly, Facebook may experience technical glitches that can prevent users from viewing likes. If you are encountering "no data available" for likes on multiple posts, it is possible that Facebook is down or experiencing a technical issue.

Fourthly, if you are not logged into Facebook, you will not be able to view likes on any posts.

If you are encountering "no data available" for likes on a specific post, you can attempt the following:

Firstly, refresh the page as a simple refresh may resolve the issue.

Secondly, try viewing the post from a different device if you are encountering the issue on your desktop computer.

Thirdly, logging out and back into Facebook may resolve technical glitches.

Lastly, if you have attempted all of the above and are still encountering "no data available" for likes, you can contact Facebook support for assistance.

If you are encountering "no data available" for likes on multiple posts, it is likely that Facebook is down or experiencing a technical issue. You can check the Facebook status page to determine if there are any known outages or issues. Alternatively, you can wait for a period to see if the issue resolves itself.